v4.7 [Feb 26, 2018]
- New Features: Localization support for the following languages: Chinese, French, German, Italian, Japanese,
Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Turkish.
- Improvements: The language selection for a localized BrightAuthor install now applies to all Windows users (not just the
user who performed the install).
v4.3 [Aug 27, 2015]
New Features
• Enable variable logging option in the BrightSign Unit Setup window
• Start Index option for Images List, Video List, and Audio List states
• Support for the HD922 and HD972 models
Bug Fixes
• A presentation will no longer crash if it begins with an Image List state that has the Populate from data feed option enabled.
• A Media RSS Feed state that points to an empty MRSS feed will no longer halt presentation playback.
• The Validate action no longer fails when used with Networked User Variables and BSN Live Media feeds.
• Portrait mode presentations no longer fail on LSx22 and HDx20 models. For these models, selecting Portrait mode only changes the BrightAuthor UI; you will still need to rotate the content using your authoring tools.
• BrightAuthor no longer crashes if you use the File > Replace Media Files option with a playlist containing a large amount of media files.
• Closing the completion notification after successfully publishing to local storage no longer causes an assertion failure.
• The ordering arrows in the File > Presentation Properties > Variables window now display consistently.
• Audio In states can now be pasted into Audio Only zones.
• Live Text states now support video content via the Media RSS Feed item type.
• Adding an Audio In state now only clears video assets if they are in the same zone.
v4.1 [Dec 4, 2014]
- Presentation Tree view
- Remote snapshot (currently supported over Local File Networking only)
- Seamless looping of synchronized video (with BrightWall)
- Added event: Audio Time Code
- Added command: Send – Bytes (Comma Separated)
- Added Not equals operator for Conditional Targets
Bug Fixes
- Live Text states will no longer display Live Data Feed items that have been deleted.
- It is no longer possible to edit the Time to Display Each Line parameter for a Ticker zone when the Text Appearance is set to Scrolling.
- Using a Rectangular Touch event to transition to a state other than a video or image no longer prevents other Rectangular Touch events attached to the same state from using the Link – Zones and Link – Synchronize commands. Previously, other Rectangular Touch events that do transition to videos or images would also be restricted from using these commands.
- You can now resize all state and event windows, as well as the Presentation Properties window.
- In multi-monitor setups, BrightAuthor windows will now appear where the primary BrightAuthor window is located.
- Multi-tab windows now readjust to display all content whenever you switch tabs.
- A Video state can now be set to loop or to hold on the last frame if there is no Media End event transitioning away from the state.
v3.8 [Jul 30, 2014]
- Publishing feature: The USB Update (FW only) option under Publish > Local Storage allows you
to update the player firmware without overwriting the presentation.
- Support for the 1920x1200 video mode (requires an XD player running firmware 4.8.88 or later)
Bug Fixes
- Zone Message commands that are sent from a Super State now correctly trigger Zone Message events contained within another Super State.
- When displaying Live Video, Video Stream, or RF In states using a BrightWall, slave screens will now catch up to the master screen if they are powered on after the presentation begins.
- Using the Edit > Import States option to import an Interactive Menu state no longer causes BrightAuthor to crash.
- JPEG images now display correctly when they are used as Selected Image items in an Interactive Menu state.
- BrightAuthor no longer crashes if you attempt to add a Fixed text item after adding an Image item to a Live Text state.
- Adding two Data Feeds that use the same plugin script no longer causes a crash when you attempt to add a third Data Feed.
- BrightAuthor no longer crashes if you add a new scannedchannels.xml file to an RF In state in a non-interactive playlist and attempt to change the Channel Name.
- Edits to an Interactive Menu state are now carried over to the published presentation even if the presentation wasn't originally saved using the File menu.
v3.7 [Aug 7, 2013]
- Alphabetize variable names option. This allows you to determine whether User Variables will be organized alphabetically or by order of creation when displayed on the BrightSign App and the Local Web Server.
Bug Fixes:
- If there are 100MB or less of free space on the SD card, the player will now successfully delete old MRSS and Dynamic Playlist content to prevent space from running out on the card.
- Dragging and dropping a file to a Background Image zone no longer causes a presentation to crash while it is playing.
- Changing the script plugin of a presentation that is uploaded to the BrightSign Network and then re-uploading that presentation will no longer cause the player to stop.
- You can now assign the same Parser Function Name to multiple Data Feed parsers.
- A player with a disabled Local Web Server will no longer crash if you publish to it a presentation that contains a Custom Device Webpage.
- The HTML5 Site dropdown list in an HTML5 state now stays up to date with added/removed pages after the presentation is exported.
- Players that are connected to the BrightSign Network can now detect and report disk I/O errors. This is only available on players running firmware versions 4.7.96 or later.
- It is now possible to use a script plugin to delete User Variables (this action is currently not available through the user interface).
v3.5 [Jan 14, 2013]
Bug Fixes
-Issues with the Advanced Network Setup window have been fixed.
-HTML5 touch-screen events now work even when the Display Cursor option is disabled in the BrightAuthor HTML5 configuration window.
-There have been numerous localization improvements.